Pastoral Counseling Services of the South Shore
Institute for Spiritual Life and Psychotherapy

Partnering with our clients toward healing and wholeness.
In-person and Telehealth Counseling
Accepting New Clients
Our therapists meet clients where they are, and can include spirituality into health and healing as requested.
Learn how to become a client and start counseling here, and be sure to read our counselor bios to learn more about us.
For Billing, please call 781-826-0011 ext. 108
Frequently Asked Questions
I am not a person of faith but need to see a counselor.
Is this a problem?
Not at all. It is not necessary to have any particular religious or spiritual beliefs to see a counselor with PCSSS. If you do, your counselor is well prepared to integrate this dimension into your therapy. If you prefer not to integrate spirituality into the counseling, this is fine too.
How do I schedule an appointment with a counselor?
Scheduling an appointment is very easy!
Do I pick a counselor or is a counselor recommended to me?
You may request a counselor. If that individual is not accepting new clients then you can contact our office for a recommendation.
I am having difficulty in my marriage, but my spouse will not agree to see a counselor. Is it okay if I see a counselor myself without my spouse?
Yes. This is not an uncommon situation and we encourage you to schedule an appointment.

Can I see a counselor at any of the locations?
Yes, depending upon the availability of the staff at that location and time.
I don't have insurance, can you still see me?
Yes. We have a sliding fee scale for those who are uninsured. Our interns, who are supervised by licensed clinicians, are able to see clients for a reduced fee.
I am homebound and cannot get out to see a counselor. Is it possible to have a home appointment?
Yes. Telehealth visits have become a routine part of our treatment during the COVID-19 pandemic. Our clients have found this to be an easier and more convenient way to receive medical treatment. PCSSS offers this high-quality service to both new and existing patients.
I am interested in registering for a class. Can I make payments each week?
Each instructor is responsible to negotiate the payment schedule for their classes. If payment is a concern, please speak to the instructor.
My child is having behavioral problems. Can I make an appointment with you by myself without my child?
Yes. It can be very helpful for parents to receive support and coaching.
​I am nervous about seeing a counselor but feel I need some help. What is it like to see a counselor?
We seek to make all persons comfortable with the counseling process. It is always helpful to a counselor to know that this is your first experience with counseling and that you are a little timid about how to go about it.

There are a lot of things on the website about spirituality in your counseling. How is spirituality-integrated counseling different from "regular" counseling?
Our counselors can integrate spirituality using a holistic perspective, integrating the best of psychology and their own training in spirituality and religion. It is not necessary to have any particular religious or spiritual beliefs, but if you do, your counselor is well prepared to integrate this dimension of life into your therapy.
I don't want anyone to know I am seeing a counselor. Is my privacy protected?
Yes. Confidentiality is key to making therapy work for most people. We follow The Standards for Privacy of Individually Identifiable Health Information (Privacy Rule) which establishes a set of national standards for the protection of certain health information.
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) issued the Privacy Rule to implement the requirements of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA).
Each of our six locations has a waiting area. If you are uncomfortable about any of this, please be sure to tell your counselor.